Spinner Visual Flow Indicator
SP Series
When a Flow Monitor is not required but simple visual indication will be sufficient; these brilliant Sight Indicators are more than suitable...
Ball Visual Flow Indicator
RB Series
This type introduced to give industry a high flow indicator that meets the needs of simple flow applications like plant protection to show lubrication or ...
Flap Visual Flow Indicator
FMF Series
This new double window Flow Indicator is most useful where visual inspection of the pipeline content is needed as product quality measure or ...
Spout Visual Flow Indicator
FMP Series
This type also allows an excellent view of the conditions in the line and can be used in transparent or slightly opaque solutions and gas service...
Low Flow Ind-Trans
FMC Series
A dial and mechanical indicator continuously monitor the flow rate whilst electrical switches can be specified to signal when a particular level has been reached ...
Small Flow Ind-Trans
FM Series
Suitable for practically all liquids and safe gas. A spring loaded valve plate which is deflected proportionate to the flow in line. A mechanical pointer indicates the flow...
Medium Flow Ind-Trans
FM Series
A spring loaded valve plate which is deflected proportionate to the flow in line. Various switching options and transmitter are available for both safe and hazardous areas...